Catálogo General EN 2025

272 AB-GD Double pipe clamp for gas black coated M6 with chipboard screw LIGHT METAL CLAMPS SANITATION AB-GM Pipe clamp for gas yellow coated with chipboard screw Steel pipe Cooper pipe Gas pipe PVC pipe CODE SIZE ØD(MM) MAXIMUN LOAD ABGM012 12 (M6) 12 70 100 600 ABGM015 15 (M6) 15 70 100 600 ABGM018 18 (M6) 18 70 100 600 ABGM022 22 (M6) 22 70 50 200 ABGM028 28 (M6) 28 70 50 200 ABGM035 35 (M6) 35 70 50 200 P. 425 Technical info SANITATION AB-GS Pipe clamp for gas black coated M6 with chipboard screw Steel pipe Cooper pipe Gas pipe PVC pipe CODE SIZE ØD(MM) MAXIMUN LOAD ABGS010 10 (M6) 10 70 100 600 ABGS012 12 (M6) 12 70 100 600 ABGS015 15 (M6) 15 70 100 600 ABGS018 18 (M6) 18 70 100 600 ABGS022 22 (M6) 22 70 50 200 ABGS028 28 (M6) 28 70 50 200 ABGS035 35 (M6) 35 70 50 200 ABGS042 42 (M6) 42 70 25 100 ABGS054 54 (M6) 54 70 25 100 P. 426 Technical info SANITATION AB-GD Double pipe clamp for gas black coated M6 with chipboard screw Steel pipe Cooper pipe Gas pipe PVC pipe CODE SIZE ØD(MM) MAXIMUN LOAD ABGD012 12 (M6) 12 100 50 300 ABGD015 15 (M6) 15 100 50 300 ABGD018 18 (M6) 18 100 50 300 ABGD022 22 (M6) 22 100 50 200 ABGD028 28 (M6) 28 100 50 200 P. 426 Technical info According to UNE-EN ISO 4892 According to UNE-EN ISO 4892 According to a UNE-EN ISO 4892