215 NAME_NI- descripcion_nivel_4_traducido NAME_NIVEL_3_TRADUCIDO WOOD SCREWS WOOD SCREWS MULTI-REFERENCE CASES SIZES LARGE MEDIUM SMALL TRANSPARENT CASE CHARACTERISTICS: - Three compositions adapted to the needs of each customer. (See below). - Three sizes available for each composition. - May be hung on shelf. Has a highly resistant hanger. - Ideal compositions to increase impulse purchases at the point of sale. - Ribbed lid to avoid screws mixing. 29,5 x 18,5 x 4,5 cms. (Width x Depth x Height) COMPOSITIONS: WOOD TP-PO PU-PO CODE CONTENT SIZE Nº PIECES MLTPPOT101 TP-PO + BITS SMALL 407 MLTPPOT201 TP-PO + BITS MEDIUM 902 MLTPPOT301 TP-PO + BITS LARGE 1.742 TP-PO Z DIN-571 AL-RO TACON AL-HA AL-HC MULTI-PRODUCT CODE CONTENT SIZE Nº PIECES MLMULT101 MULTI-PRODUCT SMALL 165 MLMULT201 MULTI-PRODUCT MEDIUM 415 MLMULT301 MULTI-PRODUCT LARGE 1.155 IN-CO ANCLA TAPLANY T4S AL-RO AL-HA AL-HC TAPLAME + DIN-7981 TP-PO Z LAMINATED PLASTERBOARD CODE CONTENT SIZE Nº PIECES MLPLAT101 MULTI-PRODUCT SMALL 130 MLPLAT201 MULTI-PRODUCT MEDIUM 295 MLPLAT301 MULTI-PRODUCT LARGE 455 23,5 x 14,5 x 4 cms. (Width x Depth x Height) 16 x 10,5 x 3,5 cms. (Width x Depth x Height)